About Rotary

Rotary international is an organisation of business and professional men and women united worldwide to provide humanitarian service, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations, and help build goodwill and peace in the world.

Objective of Rotary

The object of rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and, in particular, to encourage and foster:

FIRST: The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service

SECOND: High ethical standards in business and professions; the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations; and the dignifying by each Rotarian of his or her occupation as an opportunity to serve society

THIRD:The application of the ideal of the service by every Rotarian to his or her personal, business and community life;

FOURTH:The advancement of international understanding and goodwill and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional men and women united in the ideal of service.

There is also “test” that we will to do of the things we think, say or do… the :


Of the things we think, say or do:

1. ls it the TRUTH?
2. ls it FAIR to all concerned?
4. Will it be beneficial to ALL concerned?

Would you like to join the World Family of Rotary?

The Rotary club of Nundah is a member of Rotary International (RI), the world’s oldest service organisation. In June 2011 RI membership included over 33,586 clubs in 210 countries with over 1.2 million Rotarians. For administrative purposes it is divided into 532 Districts.

Rotary Club of Nundah is in Rotary District 9620 which covers the inner city and suburbs of the Brisbane River, extending north through the Sunshine coast to Gympie, west to the border and south to the Tweed. District 9620 also includes the nations of Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands and Nauru.

Member Obligations

In a world of change Rotary expectations of members is also changing. Members no longer are required to attend every weekly meeting, 50% is required. Half of which must be at your own club and the rest can be anywhere in the world, or at an approved Rotary event such as training seminars or Conferences.

On becoming a Rotarian, members are given a classification reflecting their main business, profession or trade. Rotarian’s are expected to set high ethical standards in all their activities and to support club activities as they arise. A greater emphasis is on SERVICE given than only attendance.

Who can be a Rotarian?

Men and women from a broad range of professional, managerial, community based or business based backgrounds.

Most importantly they must want to serve their community and attend their club regularly.

One of Rotary’s greatest strengths is that a significant cross section of a community’s vocational life is represented in it’s membership.

How do you join?

Contact President Peter Leech on 0412 750 930 or call 1300 4 ROTARY (1300 4 768279) or send us an email. secretary.nundah@rotary9620.org

10 Reasons to Join Rotary

One of the two reasons Rotary was formed back in 1905. A strong sense of camaraderie develops through a variety of club activities. Rotarians stand together in good and bad times. Lifelong friendships are often formed.

The second original reason for Rotary’s beginning. Everyone needs to network. Each club has a membership drawn from all walks of life.

Personal Development
Through activities, responsibilities and opportunity, Rotary promotes growth in social skills, public speaking, leadership and motivation.

Community Connection
Rotarians are active in raising funds and supporting projects involving health and education and the development of young people in their neighbourhood, nationally and internationally.

Rotary is fun. The club projects are fun. Social activities are fun. And the service is fun. Meetings have a fun element and there is never a dull moment when people with a common purpose pull together in support of a worthwhile cause.

Citizenship Around The World
There are few places on the globe which do not have a Rotary club – instant friends in both the local community and in the world community.

Youth Programs
Rotary provides one of the world’s largest youth exchange programs; high school and college clubs for future Rotarians, and youth leadership programs.

Vocational Skills
Rotary fosters growth and development in each person’s profession or vocation and encourages sharing this development with others.

Ethics Reinforcement
Rotarians practice a 4-way Test which governs ethical standards. Rotarians are expected to be ethical in business and personal relationships.

The Opportunity to Serve
Rotary is a service club. This is perhaps the best reason for becoming a Rotarian: the chance to do something for somebody else.

Interested in the broader Rotary organisation? See:

If you would like to know more… please contact us!